Loneliness and befriending

Loneliness and befriending - the research

This loneliness and befriending policy and evidence briefing highlights the additional research I did whilst undertaking impact research for VASL's Community Champions project.  There's also a blog with further thoughts.

I'm particularly interested in some of the psychological reasons and solutions for loneliness - many loneliness projects focus on structural and social solutions, but for many people these may not be enough on their own, and I wanted to see what other researchers had found to put into context some of our findings.

This briefing can be used:
  • As a discussion point within your teams to think about your own services
  • To inform service design
  • As evidence to seek funding.
Ideas to Impact can help you with each of these, or with helping you to find further evidence around this or other areas.

You can also download an abridged version of Ideas to Impact's Qualitative Impact Research report for VASL Community Champions project.

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